Welcome to Doggie DOGma
"Welcome to Doggie DOGma!
I have decided to start this blog to share "Doggie Dogma", the spiritual lessons I have learned from my dogs.
As a Reiki healer, owner of a wellness center, and holistic health teacher, I have spend the last 2 decades of my spiritual journey studying, reading, and researching. But sometimes I think I have learned more from my dogs than any person, class, or book could teach me. I have come to call these spiritual lessons, Doggie DOGma.
Dogs have the amazing ability to teach us to enjoy the simple things in life...rolling in the cool grass on a hot day, jumping through freshly fallen snow, slowing down to smell the ...well everything. They teach us about love... how to give it, and how to recieve it...without wanting anything in return
.I hope you will enjoy the Dogma as I blog it. And I hope you too will share with me your DOGma insights too!Trish Matthies"Wag more, bark less.""