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DOGma Lesson: "Catching Snowflakes"

Loki catching snow flakes

I am sure you are like me, crazy around the holiday season. It doesn't seem to matter whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, or Yule....the holidays equal stress. It is the season of rushing too much, spending too much, doing too much, and eating too much. We all have our own ideas of how we want the holidays to go each year. "This year will be better", or "This year we will all get along"...we all have our own expectations. But with all this anticipation and preparation, sometimes the true joy of the season can slip by us.

One year I decided to do what all good doggie moms do...I wanted to take photos of my goldendoodle Loki for our holiday cards. I wanted a winter wonder scene, so I waited for the first snow. I noticed a couple flakes outside my window, so I leapt at the opportunity. I was in the yard with Loki, camera, props, and treats in hand (no I am not beyond using bribery) asking him to sit pretty, look this way, lay down, sit up, be still and of course... stay, stay, stay! With a little help with his favorite treats, I started snapping away. I was focused on getting a cute photo, getting them developed, mailing them out and the other hundred things on my holiday To Do list. In the midst of taking photos Loki kept moving and ruined yet another perfect shot. But then when I looked at the photo screen I realized, he was catching snowflakes! It was so sweet and so dogmic. He was doing what dogs do best, enjoying his surroundings and just "being". I was so touched by his simple gesture that I joined him and caught a few flakes of my own.

So now every snow day, we take time to catch some snowflakes and enjoy the true pleasure of the season. I hope this year, your holiday To Do list includes catching snowflakes!!!

Trish Matthies-Vega"

Wag more, bark less."

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